Artificial Intelligence

Mobile Devices + AI are Redefining Connected Living

Mobile Devices + AI are Redefining Connected Living 2023 was the year of AI, no question. We saw it everywhere, from the news to our social media feeds and on our mobile devices. And as all emerging technology does, it is starting to make its way into our homes. If we think of how tech […]
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Safeguarding your Mobile Enterprise in the Era of AI

Safeguarding your Mobile Enterprise in the Era of AI Navigating AI-driven security and privacy concerns In an era where Artificial Intelligence (AI) has infiltrated virtually every aspect of our digital lives, the intersection of mobile phone security and privacy concerns has become a critical issue for information technology executives. As the reliance on mobile devices […]
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Technology Trends for 2023

Technology Trends for 2023 Since the onset of the pandemic nearly three years ago, much of the digital transformation has been fueled and accelerated by our need to pivot to virtual/hybrid work environments. Businesses across the globe adapted and used technology to stay connected as social distancing measures were in place.  Post- pandemic, we notice […]
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