
New Apple Lineup 2022 and What it Means for your Enterprise

Once again again, Apple has released a new lineup of devices to considerable excitement and fanfare.  New models, new sizes, more memory, upgraded cameras, new safety features and functionality covering iPhones, Apple Watches and iPads were announced on September 7, 2022.  The annual event draws the attention of both consumers and enterprises alike.  While so much has changed since Apple first introduced the iPhone in June 2007, we took a look at the new 2022 lineup and what it means for businesses along with best practices to incorporate into your enterprise mobility program.

Apple announced the iPhone 14.  Preorders for the iPhone kicked off Friday September 9th. The iPhone 14, iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max hit stores September 16th while the iPhone 14 Plus will launch in October 2022. Prices for iPhone 14 start at $799, topped by the iPhone 14 Pro Max at $1,099.

Understanding the new devices and the value they bring to enterprises is not always straightforward.  The iPhone 14 brings a much more powerful camera, eSIM capabilities and Satellite SOS capabilities. eSIM is interesting as one device can have multiple SIMs aligned to different carriers. This will help frequent travelers and those interested in trying an alternative service provider.  Satellite SOS is a first in providing improved access when employees are outside of the carrier’s field of coverage.  Communication is limited with the Emergency Satellite SOS feature, but in the right situation, it could make all the difference.

As with any new release of hardware and software updates, many mobility program managers have questions around the new devices and OVATION is often asked how the technology improvements will affect their organizations. A few common questions and concerns below:

  • Are these features important for your employees?
  • What does it mean to your staff to have the latest and greatest device?
  • What is the cost of deploying these devices that can easily top $1,000?
  • How do these new features impact the security and manageability of devices in your enterprise?
  • Do you have a mix of wireless providers or just one?
  • Are you considering alternative providers and potential equipment costs to change?
  • Are there new business case uses for the newer technology?

Each enterprise has their own personality and policies around who gets what technology and why.  Many enterprises still allow their employees to determine what device can be ordered and when older devices can be upgraded.  Best practice suggests that enterprises should determine what devices can be ordered and when an older device can be upgraded. This policy needs to be well-defined, reflect your enterprise’s values and personality, be fully supported by executive management and communicated widely to set and manage expectations. Carrier discount programs should also be incorporated to take advantage of price decreases and special promotions impacting many of the one- or two-year-old devices.

Best practice also suggests that a robust reclamation project coupled with proactive device upgrades can help control the costs of your mobility program while ensuring only secure and supported devices are allowed in your environment.  Devices that are two or three years old can still command a pretty penny if they are reclaimed, wiped clean and then sold on the wholesale market. Today, the average selling price of a used smartphone in the wholesale market is about $210.  That together with carrier incentives businesses can manage the new cost of equipment considerably.

Also released in September 2022 was iOS 16.  Like with equipment, new features and enhancements come with each new software release.  With iOS 16, devices older than the iPhone 8, released in September 2017, are no longer supported by Apple, which means they are vulnerable to malware and other cyber threats.  How many employees are still using an iPhone 6s, iPhone 7 or iPhone 7 Plus?  Understanding this and proactively upgrading these devices during the year will prevent a last-minute panicked project eating up valuable staff resources.

Likewise, we would be remiss if we did not also mention the need for a constant review of Android devices that may not be supported by Android’s latest OS, Android 13 was released in mid-August initially only for Pixel line devices. Most Android devices that support Android 12 can be upgraded if they meet the minimum requirement of having at least 2GB of RAM and 16GB storage to run Android 13. Regardless, you can see that an IT mobility staff must have a solid plan in place to regularly identify and replace devices that could be compromised by hackers.

Since 2002, OVATION has been helping enterprises manage their mobility programs with our thought leadership, managed services and leading technology.  Our experience with best practices and practical solutions can help define and manage your mobility program leading to lowered total cost of ownership and an amazing employee experience.  Contact OVATION today to discuss how we can help.