SIM Card Support

Case Studies

Rapid SIM Card Support

A large logistics firm was struggling to keep drivers on the road while staying compliant with the Electronic Logging Device mandate.  They needed a faster way to deploy SIM cards to drivers at various locations throughout the U.S. and then troubleshoot their specific devices when needed. The SIM card is a crucial component to keep connectivity for the ELD devices so fleets can continue to run safely and efficiently.


Our transportation and logistics client needed faster response times to deploy and troubleshoot mobile devices, often with very short notice.
  • OVATION resources conducted discovery sessions with the client to understand their specific processing, shipping and troubleshooting requirements for their connected devices.
  • The client shifted ordering of all SIM cards to OVATION’s procurement team.
  • OVATION secured an inventory of SIM’s to keep on hand and reduced order processing time from hours/days to just minutes.
  • Client drivers relied on OVATION’s rapid support for troubleshooting devices when they encountered issues.
OVATION was able to successfully acquire and maintain a stock of SIM cards to have ready at a moment’s notice when requested by the client versus them having to reach out to their carrier directly. As a result of the client’s engagement with OVATION, this logistics company greatly reduced its reaction time to drivers from several days to within just a few minutes, thereby helping the drivers to get back on the road very quickly and keep schedules efficient. When trucks are idle it results in lost revenue. As a result of our mobile support solution, we increased our client’s responsiveness and efficiency, and helped preserve their revenue too.
  • SIM Card Support
  • Logistics and Transportation