Staging and Kitting

Devices configured and shipped based on your specs

Mobilizing employees means equipping a mobile connected workforce with the technology, devices and services that best enables them to accomplish their jobs.

This is not a simple task given the complexity of today’s mobile ecosystem, which often includes activating carrier services, setting up applications and access to corporate systems and bundling accessories and quick-start guides.
OVATION’s state-of-the-art facility is staffed with seasoned mobility professionals that ensure every device is activated, functioning and kitted with the correct components and instructions required for a successful mobile enterprise project.
Package hardware and insert accessories
Custom, branded collateral and training materials
Software configuration, application installation and DEP Enrollments
Custom boxes with client branding
Multiple shipping options
Support for enterprise mobility projects
Deployments Customized Security

OVATION’s team of mobile device deployment experts, in our state-of-the-art mobile device deployment center, will put together a comprehensive plan utilizing our advanced tools and processes to ensure that each device is deployed with the correct configuration and controls.

For every device deployment, OVATION tests and custom kits each device to the client’s exact criteria, and we make sure that each recipient is equipped with the educational materials that they need.

Customize device order fulfillment is OVATION's industry leading solution for equipping your mobile connected workforce. Our comprehensive workflow begins with a custom purchasing portal that incorporates your specific enterprise wireless policy, wireless carriers, devices, services and accessories into a convenient and easy to use portal with eCommerce best practices and usability.

OVATION ensures that every device ordered is activated, shipped and configured with the correct services, wireless rate plans, mobile device management controls and applications based on your specific requirements.

With increased occurrences of data breaches within the enterprise, there is a need to confirm that your mobile connected workforce is not a threat to your enterprise and could, potentially result in millions of dollars in damages.

Each and every device that is procured through OVATION's custom and comprehensive fulfillment process is configured with the security stack that supports your mobile device security strategy.