OVATION Wireless

5 Reasons to Outsource Mobility Management

5 Reasons to Outsource Mobility Management As enterprises face challenges with managing their increasingly complicated mobile device policies and implementations, they have two options – scale their IT departments and tech resources to meet the growing challenge or outsource their mobility management to a third party. While there are reasons companies may want to keep […]
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Technology Trends for 2023

Technology Trends for 2023 Since the onset of the pandemic nearly three years ago, much of the digital transformation has been fueled and accelerated by our need to pivot to virtual/hybrid work environments. Businesses across the globe adapted and used technology to stay connected as social distancing measures were in place.  Post- pandemic, we notice […]
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Reclamation of IT Assets and Why it Matters

Reclamation of IT Assets and Why it Matters More than Recycling for your Enterprise In today’s world, IT departments are faced with many security challenges as IT managers are tasked with running an efficient program, maintaining the security of all company data, safeguarding all systems to be operational while minimizing the never-ending onslaught of threats […]
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Revisiting BYOD Policies for Your Enterprise

Revisiting BYOD Policies for Your Enterprise Several years ago, many organizations considered BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) environment for their mobile needs versus managing a Corporate Liable program.  Some of these organizations went forward with implementing BYOD policies in what they thought was a cost-effective, hands-off approach to managing mobility. While it was a heated […]
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New Apple Lineup 2022 and What it Means for your Enterprise

New Apple Lineup 2022 and What it Means for your Enterprise Once again again, Apple has released a new lineup of devices to considerable excitement and fanfare.  New models, new sizes, more memory, upgraded cameras, new safety features and functionality covering iPhones, Apple Watches and iPads were announced on September 7, 2022.  The annual event […]
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EMM and New Tech- New iPhones Expected

Enterprise Managed Mobility and New Tech- New iPhones Expected in September Here we go again. Apple is due to release a new iPhone this fall, the iPhone 14 series with new features and capabilities. Although no official dates have been released yet, we can guess the timing of this new model launch will likely follow […]
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Are you prepared for POTS line replacement?

Are you prepared for POTS line replacement? First, what is POTS? POTS stands for Plain Old Telephone Service, meaning analog copper phone lines. It’s a voice transmission phone system that has been around for decades, that evolved from an earlier system invented in the 1880s. POTS was cutting edge when it was initially invented, but […]
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enterprise mobility management

Evolution of an EMM Program using more than software  

Evolution of an Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) Program – using more than software While there are many software tools in the market today to help manage wireless telecom, is software alone the correct approach? The complexities of today’s Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) program requires a comprehensive approach that combines software with experience to manage a […]
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Dealing with Cyber Threats in a 5G World

Dealing with Cyber Threats in a 5G World Back in early 2020, we were beginning to look seriously at the emergence of 5G technology in the U.S. and around the world. Our piece on ‘5G Highlights as We Enter 2020’ noted that said emergence depended on the availability of networks, and that availability at the […]
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Device Lifecycle Management blog

Why Device Lifecycle Management Matters

Why Device Lifecycle Management Matters The one thing we can always count on is change, especially when it comes to Device Lifecycle Management. Being prepared to manage through change is a must have for any successful organization.  Changes affecting Device Lifecycle can be brought on by numerous factors including operating systems, carriers’ contracts, personal vs […]
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